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We consult with our clients throughout the design process from initial brief development through concept design, detail design, planning, tender, construction, certification and final completion.  Value is added through quality architectural and interior design solutions that are tailored to the client brief and budget.

Initial design consultations are charged at a fixed rate after which an outline brief is prepared describing the work necessary to complete the poject. Once appointed, the client brief is further developed and concept designs are prepared that reflect the functional, aesthetic, legislative and environmental requirements for the project.

The design process is broken down into four stages: Initial Design, Developed Design, Detail Design and Construction; these stages, outlined below are based on the RIAI Standard Agreement between Client and Architect.


Work Stage 1: Initial Design
  • Discuss scope of service, charges and content of client – architect agreement

  • Work with the client to establish the brief for the project, to include discussion of client’s wishes as to accommodation, quality, cost and time

  • Agree communication methods

  • Agree approximate project timescale

  • Examine the site and make an initial appraisal of its architectural possibilities

  • Prepare outline design proposal to respond to client requirements for the project

  • Present the proposal to the client and discuss its implications

  • Provide initial advice on project cost

  • Advise on planning, building and health and safety regulations insofar as these bear on the project.


Work Stage 2:   Developed Design
  • Further consider the brief and the site and based on the outline proposal and further discussions with the client develop the design for the project

  • Prepare further sketch drawings to illustrate the developed design

  • Incorporate statutory requirements of planning, building and health and safety regulations as appropriate to this stage of the project

  • Incorporate into the project the work of any specialist consultants

  • Present the developed proposal to the client and discuss its implications

  • Provide further advice on project cost and timescale in writing

  • If planning permission is required for the project, make the applications


Work Stage 3:   Detail Design
  • Develop the detail design for the project including construction details, site works, finishes and fittings as appropriate at this stage of the project

  • Prepare project technical and quality specifications

  • Further incorporate the detail work of any consultants

  • Further incorporate statutory requirements and any changes as required under a Grant of Permission as appropriate to this stage of the project

  • Prepare forms of tender for man and any specialist subcontracts

  • Advise client on provisions of RIAI forms of Building Contract

  • Advise client on insurance implications and procedures during construction

  • Prepare lists of contractors for tendering or negotiating purposes

  • Circulate material to tenderers and invite competitive tenders


Work Stage 4:   Construction
  • Report on tenders received and advise client on how to proceed

  • Arrange building contract between client and building contractor

  • Visit the site as appropriate to inspect generally the progress and quality of the work and see that the contractor is fulfilling his obligations to the client

  • Modify the design in response to site conditions, if required

  • When construction work accords with the contract documents, issue the client with certificates of payment due to the contractor

  • Value the final account for the works

  • Inspect the work at the end of the building contract defect liability period

  • List any defects then requiring remedial work by contractor and inspect contractor’s making good defects

  • Issue final certificate

  • Issue Opinion on Compliance with Planning and Building Regulations in format agreed between the RIAI and the Law Society of Ireland


Caroline Irvine MRIAI
Mob: 087 2987401

Dun Laoghaire, Co.Dublin

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